Gillian Lavery

Gillian Lavery’s art practice sits at an intersection between drawing and contemporary textiles. She approaches the territory of drawing with an emphasis on repetitive making processes derived from textile practices and histories. This results in artwork that is minimalist and emphases materiality and the act of making. Her process-based practice is a form of open-ended investigation led by ideas, materials and techniques. Rather than operating as statements or finite resolutions, the artworks created can be seen as material evidence of the process of investigation. She is currently exploring more time-based outcomes in both performance and animation. Gillian has a Masters of Fine Arts (research) from UNSW Art and Design. She has exhibited nationally and internationally and her work is held in private collections. Gillian’s recent achievements include the UNSW University Medal, 2012 and Highly commended at the Wangaratta Textile Triennial in 2013. Her MFA was completed with the assistance of an Australian Postgraduate Award scholarship. 

 Gillian Lavery, remaining, 2013, 
two week durational wall drawing, pencils, wall, spinning wheel
Archive Project Space Newtown

In Tracing Materiality Gillian will be working on a performative wall drawing informed by textile practices of stitching and weaving. The works explore the space between a pencil line and a line of thread and the relationship between drawing and textiles in their approach to materiality and mark making. Gillian will be extending her year-long stitching/drawing project in her continuous spiral wall drawing project in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition. This is complimented by animations created during her recent overseas residencies in Japan and Iceland. It encourages audience engagement and provides an opportunity to open up conversations about time, effort and value, as the drawing is erased at the end of the exhibition.